2022 Membership

 Anast, Connie

Bailey, Ralph L. 
Baker, James
Barrett, Marja Wade 
Benjamin, Cyril 
Bennett, Jon 
Berger, Jeanne 
Billiter, Angela 
Bonar, Barbara 
Boothe, Leon 
Burnett, Randall 
Chillo, Joseph L
Fauber, Brenda Kelly 
Fauber, Gil 
Fine, David 
Frank, Steve 
Furman, Andy
Gaither, Thomas L. 
Garrison, Alvin 
Gastright, Stephen
Gerding, Judi
Harper, Kenneth F. 
Harrison, Richard B. 
Herbert, Raymond G. 
Hofacre, Robert D. 
Hofacre, Todd
Humpert, Dan
Jaracz, Thomas
Jones, Tracy Ann 
Kappas, John P. 
Keathley, Nancy 
Knochelmann, Kris A. 
Korzenborn, Charles L. 
Kowatsch, Adrijana
Lai, Arun 
Liberman, Marshall
Light, Mitchell 
Mangan, Ryan
McMurtry, Todd 
Meyer, David 
Miller, J. David 
Moore, Aaron
Moore, Wanessa C.
Morgan, Sherrill D. 
Nezelek, Lynda 
Noem, Shane
Payne, Travis
Releford, Brandon
Reynolds, Kevin Dr.
Rodgers-Rivir, Carol 
Rosenthal, Bruce
Shields, Dina 
Simmons, Robert H. 
Sparks, George Michael
Stacy, Mike
Tandy, Florence W. 
Taylor, Arnold 
Vissman, John W. 
Williams, Barry
Zamrik, Corey
Zamrik, Jorden
Zembrodt, Anthony R. 


Shane Noem


Meet most Tuesdays

(See schedule here)


Bell rings at 12:00p sharp

$17 at the door

Optional $1 Split the Pot



Many meetings can be accessed via Zoom for those who cannot join in-person





Most meetings are at the Covington Radisson 

668 W. 5th Street

Covington, Ky. 41011





Donations are always welcome!

Covington Rotary Foundation 

c/o Nancy Keathley

1885 Dixie Hwy

Ft. Wright, Ky 41011


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